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We watched as the work continued around us, taking in the salt air while enjoying the sun.After a bit, Bella joined us. She'd been forward making sure things were properly stowed away. Bella was very funny. She was telling us stories and jokes, much to the delight of Felicity, who hung on her every word. I began to feel like a third wheel, so I left them to talk to Marty. I was curious about how he came to be a pirate at such a young age.At first, he didn't want to talk about it so I let him be. I moved over to the railing to watch the waves cresting over the grand nothingness that was the Caribbean. It was exactly like our other ship, all alone in the vastness of the sea. I wondered what was below us. Huge monstrous fish? Mermaids? Mermen?As I was pondering, I kept turning to look over at Bella and Felicity. My little companion was blushing and giggling as I'd never seen before. Bella would softly stroke the girl's face with her finger, making her blush from the neck up. I smiled. I grabbed my bag, my room key and started to take the short walk across the street to the photo shop. I had to admit I was nervous, I was walking across the main highway in pretty big town dressed like I was going to a fancy dinner. Cars stopped for me immediately to let me cross. A truck driver in a cowboy hat even took his hat off and smiled at me when he stopped. I waved at all the cars and trucks and gave them a real good shake of my ass while I crossed the street. I entered the photo shop and it was empty except for one person working in the store. Kate had left earlier and Ricardo was the gentleman behind the counter working on developing pictures. He had a white apron, which was spotted and stained from working with all the film and pictures. He was at least 6’4” and big and strong. At least 250 pounds, but not fat just muscular. He had a black mustache and a full head of black straight hair. I would guess he was about 30, maybe a little older He looked up as I walked in and.
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