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I exited the restaurant building and turned down the path to the barn. In the trees inside the island, the light of the evening was fading much faster. An interesting feature of the island came to view with the decreasing light. Small light fixtures were installed at ground level that showed the way of the path more than lighting the way. It was still very dark, but it was easy to see where the path went. At junctions was a marker showing the destination of each branch of the path and a light illuminating the marker. I was still very new to the island, but I wanted to find the barn and I soon saw the lights of the building come into view. I stopped short of the building’s main door and turned to the others.“Two things and both are at your discretion. You have agreed to be a part of the team. First, we have the ability to have our accommodations separate and together, closer to this spot. If you are interested in joining Amy and me at the little cove, move your stuff first thing in. Even though I love books, the job can get boring at times when the library is empty. There is probably one more thing I should tell you. I am a lesbian.Every day, I take long walks for exercise. While wearing a yellow sundress and white tennis shoes, I decide to venture out into the woods which is about half of a mile from where I am staying. My mother once told me that these places could be dangerous so I am carrying a small crossbow for protection. After, walking for an hour, I heard two interesting voices. Since one of the voices sounded like it came from a young lady, I decided to investigate. I hid behind a tree when I could clearly hear the voices. When I peeked around the tree, I was shocked to learn that one of the voices belonged to an ugly brown wolf. Wolves don't talk do they? I would have ran away screaming except I learned that the second voice belonged to pretty blonde wearing a red hood who was at least twenty years old. Her beauty attracted me so I decided to listen.
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