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She had just never thought about him that way. He was at least 5' 10" tall which made him look thinner than their father who was quite a bit shorter.They were eating their supper in silence until they both started to laugh. Together, they seemed to come out of the trance they had both entered after disrobing."This is really kinda funny, Lanikai," her brother said in between guffaws. "We are like a couple of kids who are into the 'you show me yours, and I'll show you mine' game. I'll have to admit that your body has had me entranced for the last hour. Oh, don't misunderstand me, you really are a fox, and if we weren't brother and sister, I would be trying to figure out how to get you into bed in the worst way. But, I think this idea of going nude here was still a great one, and I propose we do it every day until we leave for Hawaii on Friday afternoon. What do you think?" Yeah, I don't believe myself, but I'm game too," chortled Lanikai. "I'm finding it fun, besides the fact that I. "Why would you say that? I wasn't aware of any surveillance!" General, I suggest you talk to your intelligence officer. If you want to know what we are doing, just call me or Jake Chambers; we are not the enemy." I will take that under advisement Don, anything else?" No, hope all is well with Ryley, no nightmares and all." She is well, and you know that, you are still doing surveillance on the street." True, never attempted to hide it. We still have concerns about the kidnapping." Concerns?" We have yet to uncover who was behind the kidnapping and why it happened. We, at the center, consider that a priority; it happened for a reason and my group is concerned it may happen again." Your group?" Why do you sound so surprised? Everyone at the Action Center is ex-military from many different branches of the service: they may be discharged; but, I can assure you their minds are very active, as the rescue of your granddaughter will attest. Do not underestimate us or our abilities!" You.
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