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But sometime later I would start thinking about it again, and drag out my figures or do them over. I must have done that a half-dozen times. As I got older, I started collecting the birthdays of boys I dated (and, later, men). Somebody 33 days older or younger than you has the same mental cycle, as does someone 66, 99, and so forth days away from you. And of course the same goes for the emotional and physical cycles. The closer the better, in theory. A perfect match, though, has to be the same date of birth or 55 years away, so you don't expect perfection. You probably couldn't stand it anyway. I hung up charts with the long triple curves at the times when the interest came back, and planned trips around them to some extent, and was careful on certain days. That last part didn't hurt, anyway. People knew me for talking about the rhythms, and asking a man for his birthdate serves as well for a conversation starter as asking what sign he is. Maybe better, since he won't fudge by a year. Same woman, but this time it was a long, involved story about her seducing her best friend's husband. Again with details. Interesting details. The hero, I guess he was, reminded me of Mike, my husband. Clueless. But the story part wasn't bad--they act like real people, even go to some ditsy opera, and all her worrying is even kind of funny. And I find it turns me on good this time. I even found myself thinking of my best friend's husband, who is a hunk.If hubby was reading this kind of stuff, I thought, then how come I'm getting eight hours sleep nearly every night?So that night after supper I asked him that very question."Well," he said, "I try to save it up for Saturday nights. We both need to be awake at work, you know, so we need our sleep."OK, maybe this is true. Not that I need to be all that awake at work, but OK. And I had noticed that Saturday nights were a tad more active than they used to be. But that's not all I wanted to know."I notice," I said judiciously, "that these.
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