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Once my hand covered her left breast she rolled her head to the right, so that if she were to open her eyes, she would have been looking at my face. I waited several minutes for her to fall back into a deeper sleep and then I began to very, very slowly knead her breast. She didn’t respond. I increased my speed, but not to a significant amount. Seyla’s breathing rate increased a bit, and I knew I was starting to get to her while she was still asleep. I moved my hand slightly so I could grasp her nipple with my fingertips. I gently rolled it between my fingers and then left it to again cover her entire breast with my hand so that I could knead it. Seyla’s breathing rate continued to increase, and I moved my hand to her other breast. I grasped it and kneaded it like I had the other. I rolled her nipple between my fingers and then stopped my actions and left my hand just covering her breast. I waited the few minutes it took for her breathing to slow back down to its normal pace until I. Carefully she pulled it out and slid it down her own pants as casually as possible. ‘I got it.’ She breathed, ‘Nice gun by the way.’ She added, trying to ease the tension in her own mind. ‘It’sbig.’ **** She whispered in his ear, her soft lips rubbing against it. Then she bit his ear lightly and soothed it with a kiss. Irish just fucking bit me. ‘Hey, none of that talk,’ he whispered back. ‘Didn’t I just say I’ve never been killed before? I don’t intend to make this the first time. You just have to trust me.’ He kept holding her tight. It must feel terrifying for her to be in this situation with a total stranger. So fucking what? That’s better, Hansen. The rain was getting heavier and they were getting soaked. They would have to make a move soon. He kept holding her close, her head nuzzled to his neck. She kept kissing him and slid her hand under his shirt and over the waist of his jeans. She had gone in a little to the right so she had to slide her hand back across towards the gun..
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