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The Director arrives at the bank and asks the Manager of the Customer Department:- Do we have a client named John Smith H.?- Certainly –answers the Customer Service Manager–, he is a highly esteemed customer. He has a million dollars in his account.The Director comes out, approaches the shoeshine, and says:- Mr. Smith, I ask you this coming Monday to be the guest of honor at our board meeting and tell us the story of your life. I am sure we will have something to learn from you.At the board meeting, the Executive Director introduces him to the board members:- We all know Mr. Smith, who makes our shoes shine in the corner; But Mr. Smith is also our esteemed customer with a million dollars in his account. I invited him to tell us the story of his life. I am sure we can learn from him.Mr. Smith began his story:- I came to this country fifty years ago as a young immigrant from Europe with an unpronounceable name. I got off the ship without a penny. The first thing I did was change my name. Jodi went straight to the bedroom and he was only seconds behind her. Still angry for some reason she took off all of her clothes and threw them across the room and climbed into bed naked. While this was going on he just stood there with his mouth open. She had the greatest set of tits he’d seen, just beautifully shaped and firm. Her pussy was neatly trimmed and her ass was like a delicious apple and he wanted desperately to bite it.“I suppose you’re going to go to your den and sit at the computer again,” she growled from underneath the covers.“No I’m not,” he said, as sexy as he could make it, “I want to make love to you.”Jodi sat bolt upright in bed, “REALLY?!”He walked over to the bed trying to look like a romantic movie star and sat on the edge.“You look so beautiful,” he said, “So very beautiful.”Jodi just threw her arms around his neck and pressed her gorgeous full lips against his. The covers fell away exposing those lovely breasts and as their tongues entwined he began to.
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