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.. But I'm not sure how I feel about ur husband just sitting there! What's his role? When will he feel uncomfortable?Sue: His role is whatever role we want!Liz: We? As in I tell him what to do?Sue: Sure go ahead give it a try what do you want him to do?Liz: I don't know I've never been in this kind of situation before!Sue: It doesn't have to be something creative just tell him to do whatever comes to mind!Liz: Theres a bottle of wine in the fridge, go grab it and bring a couple of glasses with uI got up went to the kitchen, grabbed the bottle and a bottle opener, I found the wine glasses and walked back. It was a weird feeling I always enjoyed humiliation but this was on an entirely different level! I loved it and I couldn't wait to see how far this will go! I was glad Sue went for it!When I came back Sue was standing between Liz and Jason, Liz had one arm around her waist and was touching her breasts with her other hand while Jason was still sitting down touching her ass and running. There is one guy in particular that I just don’t like…but to be honest he and my husband REALLY don’t get along and well…this past week or so has been a real pain with hubby so I figured I would have some fun. I knew the guy, Bob, would be there so I called him up and asked what they needed, besides the things already on my list so I could bring them over. By the time I got there it was about 6:30 and starting to get dark but hubby was with our girls at the Girl Scout Father Daughter dance so I had nowhere to be for a little while anyway. When I go there the boys were making dinner and the fathers were just hanging out by their own fire. I had dressed appropriately, cutoff shorts and a tight “Kiss Me I’m Irish” shirt … with no bra ;) It was dusk so even though I have huge nipples you couldn’t see that unless you were up close. There were about 5 dads there and as soon as I got there Bob walked over to help me with the supplies.Bob is an ass…arrogant, overbearing,.
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