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She smiled as her eyes flicked from person to person, from group to group. Some of those present would eventually be drifting off to one room or another, for the purpose of succumbing to pleasures of the flesh. I wanted to rush across that crowded room, to make sure that the lovely did not fall into the clutches of one of my fraternity brothers who might succeed in convincing her to share those pleasures with him.But somehow my eyes convinced my brain that it was too early in the evening, that I still had time to make my move. And so my shoes were as if nailed to the floor as my eyes continued to undress her. I studied the exposed skin just above her highest closed button. It looked pale; I concluded that she was not one of those who sunbathed in a bikini, though such a garment would have been perfect on her. The skin made her look virginal.I started at the thought. Having already convinced myself that her body would be mine before I slept, the thought that she might still have her. I snaked it down and reached in his boxers to fish out his dick. This was not going to work. I undid his belt and pulled his jeans down just below his ass. I carefully pulled the boxer waistband out, down and away from his dick. I smiled as it sprang up and said "Hi" to me.Without touching, it I put the head in my mouth and hummed along with Bill as he moaned approval. I lolled the head in my mouth, and it felt so good. It was already an old friend. I tried to get a little more in my mouth, but could only manage an inch or so past the head. I don't think I was going to be a deep throater. I brought my hand up and started to stroke him in rhythm with my mouth. I could barely hear Bill's moaning and cheering me on as I devoted all my senses to his dick. Put his hands in my hair and was stroking it, then petting my cheek. He was calling my name and telling me how beautiful I looked with his cock in my mouth.I never heard him say "cock" before, I didn't think. He never heard me say fuck.
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