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Dad-dy can I go now? I was quick to make my correction as he nudged his nose against my cheek and smiled. You want to leave Daddy so soon? But you just got here baby, please? he turned to face me and jutted his bottom lip out at me before I hesitated and nodded OK. He smiled and kissed my lips, something Im pretty sure he wasnt allowed to do. I lay my head on his chest as he cradled my head and stroked my hair for what seemed like forever until I finally pulled away, I wanted to go out today and leave my dad alone, I love him and all but I needed my space. He looked up at me as I stood there, getting ready to leave. Where are-he stopped as I cut him off. Im going to hang out with my friends, Ill be back by the afternoon I turned to leave and I heard him getting up, now I was scared. I had my hand on the door as his hands snaked around my waist once more and pulled me tight to him, pressing his bulge into my back from behind and I stiffened in fear, resting his head on my shoulder,. Before their exam started, he saw his chance to finally talk to her again, considering she was sitting alone, as was the norm on test day. "Hey, did you look over the past exams?" he said. "Sure I did. I actually have them right here." Sarah couldn't believe it, the only cute guy in the whole lecture hall was finally speaking to her. She had seen him set his bag down across the room, and then migrate her way for no apparent reason. She knew if he really had a question about the exam he could have asked any of the other "computer geniuses" in the room. Therefore, there had to be a reason he was over here. For about ten minutes they just exchanged small talk until... "Sarah, why don't we study together next time? I live over at the Reserve and..." "The Reserve! My friends and I have been looking into off campus housing and the Reserve was the top one on our list! I'm so glad I found someone who actually lives there. How is living there, is it good?" "Yeah, it's pretty great. I know.
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