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When you say your rosary, you will think not of Mary, but of Aphrodite. When you attend mass, you will offer silent prayers to the Goddess. You will contact Penelope daily, and visit this Temple weekly to give her a full report on all your dealings, and in particular, those involving Opus Dei.” Michelle looked up in surprise.“I did not give you permission to look at me,” said Alice.“Beg pardon, Hetaera Superior,” said Michelle, her face once again pressed to the floor. Opus Dei was a Catholic organization whose members were mostly ordinary people, not clergy. There was less than a hundred thousand members in the world, and only a small number in Toronto. Michelle had met a few at a diocese functions: dry, humourless fanatics, devoted entirely to the faith.“Look up at me again without my leave, and I’ll flog you myself, and you’ll go unhealed for a week. Yes, you will join Opus Dei. Like most of them, you will be a mere supernumerary. As a married woman, their stupid rules do not. No such place showed up, but I did eventually spot a cross corridor, and I turned left. Though I had no proof, I had the feeling that I was trapped in a maze. I had once read that the way to solve a maze was to turn left at every opportunity and to keep going on the new route until the opportunity came up to turn again. I had no idea how reliable that advice was, but I had nothing better to work with, so I decided to follow it.Oh, no, there was another crash behind me, and this one seemed closer than the last. I was already running as fast as I could go, so I just kept on. This was when I started wishing for some sort of weapon, but I didn’t know what to do with it if I had it. Hell, I was just a girl who had never used a weapon in her life. This did not seem like a very propitious time to start using one. Nevertheless, I did decide that if I survived this chase, I was going to learn everything I could about all kinds of weapons until the web had no more to teach me. Hopefully, that.
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