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I staggered into my hotel room leaving to door to close on its own and flopped down on the bed. I was hot and tired. I’d been up since six in the morning partying as much as I could and I felt sure that it was sometime around the same time different meridian in the morning. I stripped laboriously but finally I lay nude on the bed. The door creaked open. I turned. The lights in the room were off so I couldn’t see any faces but I saw a silhouette enter. The door closed and darkness masked him. In my weakened state and alcoholic induced hallucinations I wasn’t sure if I was dreaming. I felt something warm on my ass. It was a cream of some sort. I felt it move up and down my butt crack and against my ass hole. I couldn’t move though it wasn’t because I didn’t try or because I was restrained I simple was too weak. I felt a hand spread my cheeks and the bed creak. Then the warm knob of another man’s head pressing against my butt hole. I’d never had a man in my ass nor was I ever in a. “Yeah I know.” Tara smiled as her little girl got into the car. “So just bring her back sometime tomorrow.”“I will.” Kay paused and looked at Tara like she had more to say.“What” Tara asked.“Tatum's dad came into the office yesterday. He came to see Deacon. I over heard him say something about Tatum but I couldn't really make it out.” Kay bit her lip waiting for Tara's response.“Tatum has been gone for five years now. I stopped expecting him to come back through my door a year after the letters stopped. He has never even seen a pictures of his daughter.” Tara paused long enough to take a couple deep breaths to keep the tears at bay. “I don't expect him to ever come back.”“Ok, I just thought you might like to know that he is at least still alive. His dad isn't sure where he is though.” Kay gave her a hug and started walking towards her car.“Thanks Kay, at least I know that Maria's dad is still breathing and maybe someday he will come looking for us. I will see you tomorrow.” Tara waved.
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