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His usual kindly face had been replaced by one of sheer carnal lust. So his next words really didn't come as any surprise:'Take off your panties, Becky.' He ordered, brusquely. I hesitated for a second or two. I hadn't intended for it to go this far. Dad repeated his instruction for me to remove my G-string even more forcefully, and at the same time had begun to remove his shirt. It must have been the excitement of this forbidden, secret, and utterly naughty moment that made me reply as I did:'No, Daddy. You take them off me.'Dad's shirt was now off and laying on the floor. Then he kicked his shoes off and started to unbutton his pants. I could hardly believe the situation I was in; it felt like I was watching it all happen to someone else. As the trousers fell to his feet, dad stood out of them and moved towards me in just his shorts and white socks. He must have been twice my weight and, even in mom's four inch heels, dad was over a foot taller than me. He was close enough for me. Myself 23yr male from Chennai and now completed my degree and waiting for my call letter from a big corporate in chennai, i wish to share you how i get to have sex with three ladies in my life and the first one is my elder sister and second is my neighbour aunt and the third is the very young daughter of neighbour aunty, let me first tell how i get to fuck my lovely and busty elder sis, we are a family of four members and dad works for a private bank as manager and mom is working in govtWhen this incident happened i was 20yrs and my sister was 23 , i dont want to disclose anyone name for privacy reasons, from my childhood me and my sister are very close to each and since we live in a posh flats we dont have much friends to play with or to go with, so me and my sister are very close mates, until she is 18 we use to sleep together in the same bed but after completing my hsc i moved to a separate room , she use to care for me a lot and she completed her college and joined mba in.
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