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What are you doing?! I asked. She told me to relax and that this was perfectly fine. Tricia laid there with her neatly trimmed pussy facing me, the hair was trimmed away from around her labia with only a patch of blonde hair on her mound. I watched with facination as Tricia started to slide her finger between her labia and eventually sliding her middle finger in and out of her vagina. I remember seeing the wetness all over her fingers and the white cream starting to form around her lips. I was enthralled, excited, scared but wanting all at the same time. My mind went to wondering if I should do the same and if something even more exciting might happen.Tricia used her other hand to move up under her shirt and begin to play with breats. After about three minutes she abruptly stopped and looked at me and asked what I thought. I replied I thought it was hot! She laughed at me and said, no I am wondering if you think you can do that. I was so embarrassed! I think I could try. So I live life here truthfully, as far as I can without revealing myself because there are others involved who are friends I will never betray, and family. But I am alone and don't hurt anyone, and I've said if I do something that may not be right to you, tell me, I will listen. So guys, if you want to friend a woman, get some class. Like in real life, show up dressed well, clean, and with a smile. First impressions last a lifetime. Look in the mirror. Would you want to meet you. Be honest. Stop living in drama and anger about what's out of your control. Be a Dude. Save some $ (put aside 10percent a month like it's spent), educate yourself (Ray Bradbury went to a library for 10yrs and wrote his stories from learning there, and not a college), clean up the body, (get in shape whether at home or gym- you will meet women there too, stop the booze and cigs-save $), you can be more. Life is what you make it. If you're a perv or whatever, it's probably too late, but the Marquis de Sade and.
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