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Tara warned me that Mum has been planning a party for when I go home. I don’t want a party. I’ve told Mum I don’t want a party. Everyone else has told Mum that I won’t want a party. But Mum has it in her head to have a party so I guess I’m getting a party. It will be tonight and tonight is a school night so my friends won’t be staying late. That’s a good thing.I told Liz to tell the others not to stay too long. They’ve all promised. There’s going to be a rash of conscientious students having to go home early because they have school in the morning. They will be the most conscientious students in the history of teenage parties. I think Liz passed the word to the aunts as well so hopefully they won’t stay for too long either. If our plans work out, it will be a short party. A short party is a good party – I think I’ll make that my new motto.I’m looking forward to sleeping in my own bed tonight. It’s been calling out to me. My bed has been sad and lonely and needing my company. I’m. I fear we British have given ourselves too many airs and graces. All members of the Honourable East India Company think themselves as aristocrats when they arrive in India when in reality they are only jumped up scribes and mercenaries. Some Brahmins can trace their ancestry back thousands of years, which make those of our ‘great families’, who ‘came over with William the Conqueror’, appear as newly arrived Griffins.”“My ancestors were farming in England well before William and his band of ruffians invaded,” I said.“As were mine, Jack, but tilling the soil rather than owning it. I would be doing the same now had I not had the good fortune to be born to a lowborn mistress of a highborn rich man. I escaped peasantry through education, which is the route more people should enjoy.” He grinned at me. “Many of my colleagues in John Company think I have been infected with republicanism, due to my belief that all men, and women, are born equal. Of course, being born equal soon diverges when.
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