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He wouldn't impulsively snatch a girl off the streets if she looked attractive. It wasn't his style to drag her to an alley for a few minutes of sexual, forced satisfaction. No, Alfred was meticulous when it came to having his way with his victims.Alfred would spend countless hours, days, weeks, and months, coming up with a plan to obtain his latest target. He relied on his strict discipline to help him be patient and execute his plan at the right time. His latest plan, however, took longer than usual because of his victim's high profile.As an up-and-coming online celebrity, SsshotgunEagle was known for being a hardcore female video gamer. Her looks and personality were huge factors to her quick rise in fame. Leah was white, 5'5", long black hair, dark brown eyes, and a slim body to go with it. Her C-cups were gorgeous with an amazing ass to go along with it. Many at first thought she was your average bimbo, looking to attract a wide audience by being that cool, hot chick who,. It was also tied pretty tight so it didn't hide her figure but showed it off. In fact, it showed it off real well. While she was talking she was bending down and doing something on the floor or in the cupboard I think. Anyway, when she bent it cupped her ass real nice. I figured out the night before what a fantastic butt she had and this was really showing it off for me. It was an accident but I enjoyed it since it happened three or four times. I was almost disappointed when she brought me a glass of orange juice and put down a plate of eggs for me. I smiled and said thank you. I also looked at her and even though she wasn't giving me a look down her robe, the tightness reminded of how nice the top half of her shape was too.I think I might eat too fast because I ate the eggs and three bacon pieces in about two minutes. The orange juice didn't make it long either. So I got up and took my plate out to the sink and tried not to stare at Mrs. stevens anymore. I didn't try real hard not.
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