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“Because you are my little pussycat,” I growled. Beside me, Faoril let a moan of desire. “You are my tame rakshasa. But you keep thinking you are in charge. That you get to make demands of me. I. Own. You.”Her body shuddered again. “Do you?”“Yes.” My free hand unbelted my kilt. It fell off my large, swarthy body. My cock thrust hard before me. The battle with the knights had been exhilarating. They had almost killed me so many times. They were formidable. The pair I fought were better than me thanks to the magic enhancing their skill. “You are mine. It's why you defy me. You want me to prove over and over that I. Am. Stronger. Than. You.”She purred louder, her throat vibrating beneath my grip, her fur so soft against my palm. “So strong.”“And that's why you are going to ferry us, pussycat,” I growled. “Because I tell you to. You will be a good pussycat and obey.”Her eyes were locked on my cock. She shuddered again. “What have you done to me, Thrak?”“Shown you what you've been. I’ve never plowed a young man’s ass before, but I won’t knock it until I’ve tried it. It sounds like a regular bacchanalia that you’ve planned for us, my dear, between Magda and you. I like that idea for sure. But there is the obvious question of where would we live ... here or Denmark or both ... or neither? Any thoughts on that, and also how to get Frederik and Bjorg on board with this plan?” I inquired while now lying on my back and holding a very naked and delighted Magda in my arms.“Do not worry about my husband and stepson. They’re halfway to this, anyway, given our little menage a trois already going on ... as to living together, let’s table that discussion until we’re all on the same page about everything else. I am confident that once we commit to living together as a group marriage, as a family, the details of our residence and such will matter far less. We will only care about living together and making love to each other by that point. I wonder if we could manage to.
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