Theyknew.By round seven, they were varying their strokes astheir whim. On and on. Up and down their headslovingly bobbed. It was Heaven. It was Hell. ButDante, that bastard, forgot to warn us about thisparticular circle. I recall at certain points, forGod knows what reason, shots of tequila being pressedto my lips. I was beyond caring. In time,successfully completed rounds brought sorority-sisterstyle giggles and speculations as to how much fartherI could go. This, of course, was merely their clever,but transparent, way of increasing the intervalsbetween actual sucking. If somehow I could managerevenge, it would indeed be sweet.Round eleven saw a gag placed on me. I was babblingincoherently, and, it seems, disturbing theirconcentration. Yeah. Uh-huh. Right. Round 19 broughta slip by Andrea. In drawing her lips up my shaft,she briefly lost contact with it. “Foul! Foul!”screamed Karen, laughingly. They staged a mockargument over a possible penalty as I moaned andwrithed.. She seemed to be shocked, apologized for the delay time and again. And confirmed to get it next day. Next day no call came till noon. I again called her up, and blasted again. I was at a loss. No more calls that day. Next day morning I was preparing for go go to my cousins home to attend the wedding with my family. She called up on my cell from her cell informing that the replacement has come I can collect it. I asked my parents to leave for the wedding and I would meet them there and immediately went to collect the camera. She welcomed me with a smile and said :are you happy now Sir?” I thanked her. Then she said she was really upset with the way I talked to her and she felt very bad as it was not her fault. I apologized and said I will compensate for that. She didn’t say anything and just smiled. I went to my cousin’s place to attend the wedding.After 6 or 7 days I called her up on her cell. She was at work but not very busy so didn’t mind talking to me. She asked me about the.
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