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’ She sat down tenderly, and pursed her lips, as if her bottom had been sunburned. Ellen chuckled, ‘He’s like my Eddy, sometimes they don’t know their own strength.’ Julia heartily agreed, ‘Well, they’re men, and we’re girls,’ she said, and that seemed to settle it, though she said to Ellen, confidentially, ‘One of these days I’m going to buy some padding to put back there…though no, he’d see right through that. His eyes are always on my hind-end.’ She laughed, then added, ‘Or my boobs.’ Ellen cast her gray eyes furtively, and a bit covetously, over her neighbor’s prominent breast, accentuated by the stretched cotton. The outsized areolae were faintly evident, not by their dark russet hue, but by their embossed edges, the nipples pushed, like buttons. Ellen could not miss noticing the smoothness of Julia’s skin, nor its natural bay color. It wasn’t tanned, it was its inherent complexion. She wondered if Julia had any Latin or Italian heritage. In fact, Julia was half Portuguese,. Wow…. Wow!I was high, no doubt. Waves of love and enjoyment came rolling over me. Goosebumps. Rhythm. Bodies. Warmth. Look at that guy, he moves so smooth, so naturally. Look at that girl, how lost she is in enjoyment. I hope all her dreams become true.I danced for about two hours. I heard details in the music I would have never noticed before, and I heard how they reflected off the walls. I’d catch someone’s eye and they would smile, put a hand in the small of my back, the other on my arm, and just say “It’s good isn’t it?” / “Wow”.Sight, sound, Justine, and touch—everything was better than before. Just for a few moments, two bodies may synchronize. Mine and Nathan. Justine and Yael. Yael and me. Nathan and a stranger. I’d put a hand flat on their belly, and they’d be electrified from this simplest of contacts, while my hand became a conduit of the animistic warmth produced by their bodies.Through the crowd, I caught a glimpse of Justine and Nathan leaving for the bar in the next.
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