I placed my right hand over her genital area, and felt for my first time what a girl feels like. The puffy little area was so incredibly smooth and warm. It felt exactly, I thought, like the skin on my own penis. I so much wanted to delve further inside. With my right index finger in a hooked up attitude, I proceeded to slowly part her little pussy lips, and to my immediate amazement, she was soaked. It was though she was lubricated with bike chain oil. With that I almost lost it. How I managed to not cream my pants, I do not know. With my index finger, I probed all inside her. Around her vagina, flicking her little clitoris, feeling up inside her vagina. She was not able to stand up on her own now. She was leaning on me with her little head on my right shoulder. She was emitting little whimpering sounds as I continued my exploration of her most private parts within her. Now I had to taste her. I laid her back on the old carpet on the floor to protect the concrete. I felt a great pleasure in that situation of sucking and being sucked, but the pleasure was even greater when Henrique stopped the coup to stick my dick up. He entered slowly but soon began to increase speed with each stroke, he wanted to shout but he still had Henrique's cock in his mouth. I continued to suck as much as I could but when the orgasm came I let go and screamed out loud.- Oh big dickers, oh good cocks I'm all yours.Henrique continued to fuck like nothing, but when I recovered I immediately stopped him.- Let's change, I said because Jorge was also very willing to fuck me and I wanted to be fucked by him because maybe the size doesn't matter but a big guy like that is something else.I turned my ass so he could fuck me at the doggy, we were in that position for a few minutes, as I came in that cock with those hands holding me by the waist. I gave Henrique some more sucks and told Jorge to lie down and climbed on top of him, leaving my ass available for the other. The big.
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