Kiran was wide-eyed at lady’s assertiveness, and the advantages she was taking. Lady forced Kiran’s legs open from front and pushed her palm over Kiran’s panty covered crotch. Kiran sighed out loud; she was never touched so openly and shamelessly before. She was feeling totally vulnerable, to lady’s touch that was spreading moist warmth to her entire being. Lady grabbed her crotch tight, and tried to maul it as she spoke with smirk, “Does this turn you off?”Kiran moaned out loud, biting her lips. She breathed heavy at being manhandled like that. She tried to squirm not understanding why she didn’t want to get away from lady’s touch after being treated so immodestly. Lady scratched her nails over kiran’s crotch, pushing them down over her cloth-covered vagina, and reaching up her crack. It drove kiran crazy, the touch was maddening, she had never felt this aroused before. Lady asked again, “tell me Kiran… Does it?”Kiran breathed, with unexplainable pleasure, “No. it doesn’t.”Lady. As he was to my left, he held his cock with his left hand so that I could see it clearly. His thumb and forefinger were gently stroking his cock head, which was by now looking larger and more prominent than when he first stood next to me. I too stroked my cock the same way and had a semi-erection, both of us in the same state. It was then that it happened. His left hand simply moved over and he gently started rubbing both our cocks in the same way. I moved my hand to my side not knowing where to put it or what to do. The wave of pleasure as his warm hand gently rubbed me was exhilarating. I felt the blood pumping into my hardening manhood and the pressure he exerted with his fingers exactly matched the pulsing sensations as my cock hardened in his grip. I has fully hard and started to ooze a little precum. He gently moistened his thumb as he slowly encircled the head of my cock while holding my shaft with his fingers. I was still paralysed and did nothing but enjoy it,.
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