Mom was equally aggressive and wanted to devour me fully,with heavy moans she told oh yes, you are doing wonderful like an experienced person, empty your moms pussy, after so many months I am eating human flesh.We finished within few minutes. My dad’s portrait looking us from the table. I told myself; dad I have taken your place and this is your real death, from mom’s body and memory.We washed up. Mom in her petticoat and blouse, me with my sorts without brief. I was sitting on the sofa when mom emerged from the bath. She stood before me and took my head in her arms , which was resting on her belly. She told dont think more about this . You have achieved your man-hood and you need to have a woman . So when it is available in your home, why worry. You need it and I need more of it.And she announced that she and dad are first cousins, being offspring of two own sisters, They eloped and married as it is taboo in the family and society. They never looked back and stayed away from family. She closed her eyes as I ran the shape of my shaft up to her clit. She pushed me off and straddled me and we acted out all our favourite positions, enjoying the flirty touching and lingering caresses of our bodies. She was showing me her favourite moves in the cowgirl position when she switched to the reverse. She said she liked to do it for guys because they could see her ass and the guy could see his dick entering her as well. She also pointed out that she liked to surprise her boyfriend sometimes by sitting on him and sliding her panties to the side as its easy and sexy in that position. As she said this she leaned forward hitched her skirt up and slid her panties to the side to expose her smooth shaven pussy. “See” she proclaimed as if she was showing me something so obvious. My eyes were like stalks as I saw the lips slide apart, her wetness obvious to my gaze. And then I did something stupid. Nothing. I tell myself now I put her on a pedestal, made her out of my reach,.
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