As Beth noisily sucked on my cock to get it nice and wet, I noticed Brenda's eyes peering up from the pussy that her tongue was working. I slid up on the bed behind Brenda and I slowly slid into my sister's ass. It was tight. I noticed Brenda's breathing get faster and heavier as I stroked my full length in and out of her ass while Brenda worked to keep the cucumber from falling out of her pussy. I reached around and massaged those large orbs of tit flesh as I hammered it home. It did not take long for me to empty my load deep in her anal cavity which set Brenda off yet again. I collapsed onto the bed as I heard Beth tell her mom to clean me up.I lay there with Beth snuggled up against me while Brenda sucked the stink of her own ass off my cock. As my cock regained its rigidity, Beth and I made out. Beth directed Brenda to lie beside me and watch as she got on top of me. She soon had her pussy going nice and steady as it moved up and down my cock. Perhaps feeling guilty for leaving. It was Christmas Eve, and I had gone upstairs to my room after spending the evening singing carols with my family. As I changed into my flannel pajamas I noticed a note on my pillow, so I picked it up and read the words that would soon change my life: "Ted, I have a special gift for you. Come to my study at 2:00 a.m. Love, Dad."I glanced at the clock and saw that it was not quite 11:30. I wondered what Dad had for me, and why he had to give it to me at such an odd hour. Obviously, it was meant to be a secret, but what could it be? I was definitely intrigued. I had asked for an Atari that Christmas, but didn't see why he would give it to me in the middle of the night. I set my alarm for 2:00 so that I would not doze past the appointed time, but need not have done so. I was far too excited to sleep, so I just lay in bed and stared at the ceiling while I listened to the melodic strains of Kajagoogoo on my Sony Walkman, which my father had given me a few Christmases earlier. Finally,.
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