The silky texture got me hard and excited. I had taken my cock out of my jeans and slipped my throbbing dick in to the legs and started to stroke myself. I only was able to stroke myself a half a dozen times when my cock exploded. At first the sensation startled me, later I stroked myself off into one of her bras and I was addicted to the feeling. Within just a few months I had began to cum 3 to 4 times a day. I acquired several porn mags and was on the hunt for women's lingerie. At my best friends house I stole several bras, several panties and a couple pairs of pantyhose. His older sister went off to college leaving me to obsess over his younger sister. When everyone was upstairs eating dinner I went into her bedroom searching through her drawers. I took a half a dozen panties, several bras, a couple pairs of hose and a really hot bikini. I began to jack off on each item before returning it for a different pair. I got daring and began to jack off in her room on her pillows and on. She embraced it, welcomed it, staying quiet, waiting for me to make the next move. That move was to use the intimate and total contact between us to establish what was the strongest link between us to date. Then we 'talked', as best I can describe it.It wasn't something I would want to do often, as there was no place to hide. There were no fancy words, no euphemisms, no long pauses, no walking away from embarrassing situations. Our souls were laid bare to one another as never before.I also wouldn't trade that time with her for anything. I had been spending a lot of time with Nicole and, truth be told, I was terrified of losing Sally. I needed reassurance from her that this relationship was truly what she wanted. I was frustrated, too, in that I couldn't yet 'connect' with Nicole. I was relieved in a way to find that she couldn't sense her either but it didn't make me feel any better. We both knew that Nicole seemed to perceive some impulses and send some signals out that we could.
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