"Oh, buddy, you bought us a peck of trouble this time. What are you gonna do about her? She's really mad, John, she's not like the others. You know Ray Denham is just liable to take a shotgun to us?" Shut up," Blodgett rasped savagely, "that bitch isn't going to run and tell her old man she put out to both of us, she's not that crazy..." He snapped his fingers, "Got it!" He picked up the telephone and dialed swiftly, talking fast as his number rang. "What we have to do is discredit her, that way if she does tell no one will believe her... Hello, Eula? Get me Tully, and this is important! Get him on the line just as fast as you can." He mopped at his brow with a handkerchief as he waited. There was an intercom system connecting the main house with the dairy barn, and in a few seconds the line clicked and Tully, the man who managed the farm, spoke into the receiver."How fast can you get into town?" Blodgett barked into the telephone. "OK, here's what I want you to do. Drop whatever. I haven't bothered to check the sex of Aurelia's baby and it's a bit early with Jaimie's. Hey, Mike, what about you? Are you okay?" Franco wanted to make sure that his six-year old boy was alright."I'm okay, Daddy," Mike held onto his father as well.That was about as much as Franco could get out of the boy, who wasn't the talkative sort. In that, he resembled Uncle Giulio. Franco just hoped that Mike took after his uncle in his genius as well. If he did, he would have a solid chance at the future, at least if he reached a CAP score of at least 6.5. Being a concubine was not something that Franco wished for his son, though he understood that it might happen. If it did, he just hoped for a really understanding sponsor.Speaking of concubines, Franco looked back at his ex-wife, the mother of his children. Rachel Adler seemed at least somewhat contrite and certainly a bit scared. No doubt, Laurie had given her a reality check, if no one else had done it first. That was good, because.
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