I showed up at their apartment at a specified time as promised. Brenda welcomed me in wearing a yellow robe. Steve was in the bedroom at the time. He yelled, "I'll be right out buddy!" I made myself comfortable on the couch. I noticed Brenda's robe wasn't quite wrapped up completely, and I could get a glimpse of he chocolate nipples she straightened up a little bit. Naturally my dick got hard. I was interrupted when Steve walked in and perched himself on their love seat across from where I was sitting. Both seemed oblivious to Brenda's nipped peeking out of her loosened gown. An hour or so goes by, and then Steve decides to make a confession. "We're swingers." Prior to this announcement I wasn't aware. What was more astonishing was when Brenda sat extremely close to me. Steve smile in approval of the move. These two although attractive are like nerdy Librarians. The public would never assume the slightest that they were swingers. Before I knew it Brenda was giving me a blow job while. I could feel her massive tits rubbing up against my chest. I grabbed her by the neck and turned her over to switch positions so I can be on the top. I grabbed her massive fucking tit with my right hand and squeezed on it as if I was going to pop it. I then started to hammer her violently as trying to break her pussy in two. “My little cock whore I’m gonna fuckng make you pregnant with my hot cock juice you fucking dirty slut” She grabbed onto my ass cheeks with both her hands to aid my thrusting inside of her. I slapped her tit with my right hand several times and then I sinked my teeth into them. I could feel my hot cum building up inside my throbbing cock. Her pussy was contracting violently against my fucking hard throbbing thrusting dripping wet cock. I garbed both her tits sucking on one of them and squeezing the other, I went for it I rammed her with my thick fucking rod as hard as I could using my body weight to aid in the hard thrusting she was about to come and so was I..
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