Before that lady was able to mouth any more such imprecations one of the pirates seized her arms while another stuffed a ball of material into her mouth effectively silencing her. Now the pirate captain spoke again. ‘Ladies and gentlemen. I must apologise for misleading you. My name is Abu Qadir though I was once called Jean-Francois Leopold. You are of course my prisoners and I shall dispose of you now as I please. Should you wish to enlist in my service you will remain free men but those of you who refuse my offer shall shortly find themselves on sale in the slave market at Algiers. I myself am of French birth and was once taken by a pirate ship. Now I command one myself and I am a wealthy man. Join me and share in our plunder.’ For a few moments there was silence. To their credit not one of the sailors who had been so miserably betrayed by their cowardly captain offered to join the pirate crew. Suddenly to my surprise a voice I recognised came from the other end of the deck. ‘I. I did not know if I would ever eat again. Now you are telling me that if I eat all this, I will be fat." It's easy and it happens to a lot of people." I am not fat. I was hungry. I walked much. I am thin." You are a young girl. Girls your age come in many shapes and sizes. You're in the middle of the range." I have eaten more since I found you than I did in the last two weeks." I guess that's good," I said."It is very good," she replied, then she loaded another forkful of French toast.There was this thing looming, though. Tomorrow I have to go to work, and as charming as I might find her, they won't let me bring Lita with me, so we talked."I don't know what to do with you tomorrow." I will stay home. You have shown me TV and the Internet. You have food. I will tidy the house." Tidy?" Yes, clean..." Lita, you are not my slave." No, I am not your slave. I am your partner. We live in that house together. I should help you with it." You have books..." I would like to see a biblioteca ....
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