The following is a complicated story, but if you read it you shall be rewarded. Pick up the pieces with me, as I revisit my dark and forlorn past. —- Impulsive. There’s one word—something that I do not appear to be, although I am. I thought as I sat unobtrusively on the stool of a bar, wishing I had more single friends to get together with. Sure, it was great that all my close friends had a significant other to share their time with, but in all honesty, and especially on nights like this, it was frustrating beyond belief. I took another sip of my drink and mulled the flavours over in my mouth, running my tongue along the outside of my lip, wetting it ever so slightly. I sometimes imagined if men looking in my direction at the time found this action in any way sensual, or if they felt it was as silly as I did, to lick your lips in such a feral manner. Apparently it was the former of the two, because seconds later a rather attractive man was walking towards me, a sexy smirk on his. "Well I've certainly got a fever, but it comes from being close to you"She leaned into me and I felt the pressure of a breast against my arm,"You say such lovely things to me darling" I say them because they're true mum, you're the only woman in the world for me, "I've been like a cat on a hot tin roof all day" I daren't say what I've been like" Try me" A bitch on heat" she said softly, "Everyone at work looked like you, everything they said had hidden meanings, if I saw people whispering I imagined they knew about us, about what we'd done, you've been driving me mad without actually doing anything" Just wait 'til I do something" I laughed and she shuddered,"Christ mum, you've really got it bad haven't you?"She nodded, "It's your fault, you've turned me into a sex maniac" No" I smiled, "You've been repressed mum, all I did was to bring it out of you, you've always been a sexy woman" You brought it out of me all right" she laughed softly, "I did things with you that I've never thought.
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