That’s the way it’s got to be!” Bernard said with a small chuckle.It hurt the first couple of times he fucked her, but soon she found that her muscles adapted and she stretched to take him comfortably. It wasn’t until the woman’s honeymoon only the second honeymoon of her life — that she found out what pain was all about, and how much she dug it! Bernard slammed the door shut behind him after entering the bedroom that some paint chips fell from the ceiling. Michele considered herself lucky that she had scooted past him into the room at the last second.If she hadn’t she would have gotten the door right in the face. Michele was quick. She had good survival instinct and knew when Bernard was in the mood to do violent things. She would never have made it if she wasn’t quick. She certainly got enough practice at evasive tactics. “Strip!” Bernard screamed, placing his hands on his hips. He pressed his long strong fingers together and pointed them downward. “Yes, dear,” Michele replied. Jane was sitting there reading a magazine. She didnot look up or acknowledge me in any way. Gingerly I walked over until I was standing in front of her. My eyes werefocused on her feet, as I was sure I would begin crying again if I looked herin the eye. After what seemed an eternity Jane put down her magazine. ?Kym, I am not goingto give you a long lecture, as I know you fully understand how disgracefulyour conduct has been.? I whimpered, but doggedly held back the tears. ?I amgoing to deal with this matter now, and if you accept your punishment, thematter will be closed and nothing will be said to Michael. Is this what youwant?? Frankly I did not know what I wanted, or what I was agreeing to. But one thingI did know was that I did not want Michael to know about my disgraceful behaviour.I knew he would be gutted. ?Yes Jane?, I whimpered, hardly recognising my own voice ?Yes, what?? ?Yes, I want to deal with the matter know.? Somehow I could not bring myselfto mention the word.
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