Voices and rushing footsteps; heavy boots, running around.Barry cups a shaking hand over his eyes, looking down; he removes it. Cautiously, he looks up.A figure, dressed in black camouflage, with a wrap covering the face and dark sunglasses over the eyes.And the butt of a gun, flying perilously towards his face.SMACK!Barry is out.With a throbbing pain on his forehead, Barry's eyes slowly opened. On the wall opposite him, a worn poster of a woman in black military uniform; her mouth open as if yelling. The fading text reads: "General Oro Stands for Peace!"Barry's body is sat up in a corner of a stone cell. He stirs slightly, his clothes scratching against his skin. He notices his clothes have been replaced with a crudely made shirt and pant of burlap, with just a rope string to keep the pants up.Close by in the darkness unseen, a metal door creaked open; footsteps approaching in unison.Barry tries to look tough as he cowers further into his corner.Bright lights strike with a metallic. We met at this volunteer function I was working, and he came across as one of the nicest, sexiest young men I’d ever met. He was tall, with dark brown hair and amazing green eyes. Breathtakingly handsome and obviously athletic. He was much too shy, and I had to make eye contact with him several times that evening before he approached me.We began to date casually for a while, and he didn’t even pressure me for sex. He was a polite gentleman. On those evenings when I couldn’t see him I often went out trolling, and it never took me too long to lay my hands on some new dick. But then I’d think about Jack. For the first time in my life I actually felt ever so slightly guilty about random sex.I was really falling for Jack. He was calm and responsible, so mature for his young age. After a few dates once we finally got around to sex, he presented me with about the nicest cock I’d ever had the pleasure of taking down my throat.He didn’t know yet that I was a semen loving slut. I got off at the.
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