He came back in the room and found me laying face down on the table as instructed. He commented on my tan lines as a bit of an ice breaker. As he began the massage, he started on my upper shoulders and neck area (the area that was in discomfort). He had quite the touch and I let out a moan of pleasure. I stumbled out some half-hearted apology for the noise. He told that sound is always a compliment to a masseur and not to feel embarrassed. As he continued his massage, our banter turned a bit flirtatious and I could feel my cock start to tingle with the possibility of more. As he began to work on my shoulders, I felt his bulge rub up against me ever so slightly. As my arms were hanging off the table, it was time for him to massage them next. He did this interesting move where he placed my hand on his knee to steady it, while he massaged my arm. This seemed like a sign to me, so i decided to see where this might go. I slowly at first squeezed his thigh, then i let my hand graze down. What a waste it was when she left the fashion scene,she could have been a top stylist by now, but, you know, I don't thinkshe has ever lost her touch. For people like Anne, it just seems to beinstinctive."She she held out a pair of pale yellow thong knickers and matchingbalconette bra."You are wearing your full adhesive forms today, aren't you?" she asked."Yes," I said, "but they will show over the top of that bra." Don't worry, it won't matter!"As soon as I touched the underwear I found it was made of very shinypale yellow latex!"She's been in the "His" wardrobe!" I gasped.Cindy gave me a quizzical look."The "His" wardrobe! It's where she puts all my latex clothes," Iexplained."All," exclaimed Cindy, "how many have you got?" Well, a whole wardrobe full, I suppose," I said.Cindy just smiled and said "Mmmmmmm!" Go into the cubicle and get into the lingerie," said CindyThe thong was much easier to get into than I had imagined, because ithad two shiny silver clips at either side of.
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