Your sexy brown hair splayed over your back as you pretend sleep. I kiss the inside of your thigh as I finally lay fingers on your soft round ass. I gently squeeze and fondle your ass, my heart racing with anticipation. I grab your ass cheeks in both hands as I slowly kiss my way towards my first goal. Your legs spread further giving me total access to your hotness from behind. Your soft smooth lips need my touch, my kisses my love. I slide my tongue up and down your smooth lips my wetness joining yours. I dine on your deliciousness, delving my tongue into you seeking entrance. I part you with a pointed tongue and nibble your lips below at the same time. You gasp out loud at the invasion going on in our bed. I suck hard as I slide my tongue in and out of your hot sweet pussy. You are so hot and wet already that I drink your juice gladly. I release one of your marvelous globes to insert two fingers into you from behind. You buck back against my hand as your breathing quickens. I pump. ) "Absolutely, honey bunch." I finished off the rack, sat back and took a final swig at my beer and contemplated the task at hand. To clean, or not to clean, that is the question. Reluctantly, knowing there was no way I could win the battle, I decided to give it a go. Entering the former and soon to be again bedroom, I immediately noticed Ellen had indeed gotten rid of many of the boxes. One could walk around the room, and actually sit on the bed. I did just that, and began hunting through the closest box. Records came in to view, the vinyl kind. Grand Funk Railroad and Tony Orlando, indeed. What had I been thinking? I made a mental note to haul this box to the record collector's store downtown and see what they would give me for the lot. Moving it to the side, I went through a box of tax information, shredding by hand anything dated before 1993 and repacking the rest. On and on I went, a man on a mission, until I opened a box that hadn't seen the light of day in more than a decade..
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