No Brenda. Then I stopped and looked again. I couldn’t believe my eyes. There she was positioned on her stomach on top of huge beach towel, in her backyard, practically naked; her legs spread shoulder width apart, giving me a perfect view of her love box. She had on a peach colored bikini that was about three sizes too small. I watched as she attempted to re-adjust the tiny strip of cloth, inadvertently giving me a quick flash. She propped herself up on her elbows and fiddled with her cell phone. I slipped my hand into my boxer shorts and squeezed my stiffening cock. I imagined sliding my cock into her pussy and what it might feel like. Within seconds, I shot a load of cum into the air. I watched as it splattered on to the kitchen floor and then as a second stream followed. I grabbed a bottle of Lysol and a wet mop and cleaned up the evidence. I settled down at my computer to complete some unfinished work. I couldn’t get Brenda out of my mind. I stepped back into my kitchen and. They were at the Annapolis barracks. All we had to do was pick them up. I would leave an hour early and take one of the night guys over to pick one up tonight and tomorrow night.Jenny called about doing lunch at 11 and that sounded good to me. It was even better when she said "I'm bringing cold cut subs and soup from the down town deli."The war zone outside had ended just as Jenny came in. I guess the crew had quit for lunch.After we had finished lunch Jenny told me that the surviving rapists were most likely going to take a plea instead of going to trial. The state was going for the death penalty if it went to trial because of the number and severity of the crimes. She also said that the investigators had found the videos they had made of the attacks.My response to that was, "I hope they are destroyed before they end up on YouTube."Jenny said, "I can assure you that they will never see the light of day."Jenny then said, "Don't forget that we are going shopping tonight. The girls.
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