Tom hadn't been sure the plan would work and he knew that it wouldn't again. Sighing Tom set about making a new plan this one he felt would be much more effective than the last. Tom also knew that he had to do more damage this time when he faced Malamon, he just wished he knew what power he had taken from Malamon that way he'd have an advantage and any he felt was a damn good start to Malamon's defeat.Azel stood before the council of the mages, "I have questioned Tom, it appears he has been in contact with Myria though I an curious as to why she never spoke to him. I might have an idea as to what she did 500 years ago but I need to test many things to make certain. I don't believe she is a prisoner of Malamon but rather a prisoner because of Malamon. Therefore in order to release her it will be up to Tom and our actions."Many on the council gasp though a few had suspected something of this nature.The eldest spoke up, "what would you have the council to do? Tom as you call him is as. Is it interesting enough for you to go to a fair, even if you live in Toronto?" Yes, it would. I think that much metal is just beautiful." Others think the same and they will be coming here to see it. We have at most two months to get ready. That means making preserves, clothing, toys, quilts, preserved meats, novelty plaques and much more. If you rent a booth, you can make a lot of money. The church collects a portion of the rent and the city benefits by feeding and giving the tourists a place to sleep. We can make it like Niagara Falls but not as expensive." You don't have to convince me. I see why you have to have security now. I'll take your pictures for you." Thanks Mrs Cranston. I need two, though, so the security has a copy to see if the cards are real." That's easy."We left to find Laura and each of us got a very deep kiss that told of her need to be with us. She told us what she had accomplished so far."I think you did quite well. Putting on dressings and bandages is a good.
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