Language exercises and grows the brain like nothing else, and the knowledge will take you far in your travels. Don't be the ugly tourist who thinks that the way to communicate is to just yell louder in English." Do not flaunt your IQ, especially if you know what it is. Remember that half the people you deal with in life will have an IQ of less than one hundred. Learn how to deal with them gently, so that they become your friends and assistants, and not your enemies." Learn the first law of circular bureaucracy, which says that he..." ... or she..." ... who identifies a problem ultimately gets it back for resolution." Remain friends with your parents. They really are looking out for your welfare, and will be able to guide you around the potholes that life always puts in your path." Say 'please' a lot, and say 'thank you' just as much. Be the most positive person you know. Smile at people and say 'hello' for no reason at all. Tip your waitress a little extra, just because she smiled. ”“That would have been a mid-roof model. This here’s a condo. I sprung for the extra space when I decided to go over the road. I don’t even have a place of my own anymore. Holidays and such, I go visit my folks and stay with them, or if I have a couple of days layover somewhere, I will sometimes get a room. But this is pretty comfortable most of the time.”We sat and talked for awhile, and he pulled out his guitar and started playing. After the second beer, I got up the nerve to ask if I could check out the bed. At first, I just sat on the edge of the bed and bounced up and down. I noticed Bobby was watching my boobs bouncing as well. I also saw he has moved his guitar down to cover his lap. I crawled further onto the bed and stretched out.“Mmm. This is comfy and so roomy.”Bobby had stopped playing and was just watching me now. I started rubbing my hips and working my way up to my breasts. Then I patted the bed next to me; he didn’t need a second invitation. As he stood up, I saw the.
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