What was there to really gain? I remember lying on my bed and masturbating in her panties while she was on the phone one day (Mom commonly chatted up a storm on the phone at times). Soon I began fantasizing about how I could possibly get caught by her. Should I be wearing her bra slip and panties or would panties alone do? In my room or hers? I had to rationalize and reason each part of the fantasy. It had to make sense, make it seem accidental. I would never have had enough nerve to walk out in front of her so she had to be the 'discoverer' walking in on me.I began fantasizing about lying on Mom‘s bed in her slip, bra and panties and taking a nap in the afternoon. I would be taking my chances that Mom would walk in on me while I was asleep. This left getting caught beyond my control. I liked the idea of Mom catching me while I was asleep because it meant it was an accident, even though I had been planning these naughty escapades already for a few years. Because these were so. I knew that the preceding few generations of Native American migration had all been in the other direction as a matter of basic survival. The combination of western expansion under the motivation of “manifest destiny” and the crippling loss of their food supply by decimation of the vast herds of buffalo drove the Native Americans from the plains without the need for unnecessary bloodshed. It was bitter and it was an honor-robbing process that that built in the lust for revenge about to come down on General George Armstrong Custer’s golden locks.For the past six months, the forces sent west to insure order and protect the settlers seemed more than adequate to meet any challenge. It was impressive and I had a sense that the blue uniforms dominated the scene in every small town and village west of the Mississippi River complex. Most of the remaining Indians were either too old or too sick to travel and they mainly kept to themselves on the reservations willing to trade their freedom for.
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