___________________________________________________________________Before he knocked, the door just opened for him. You just see a long hallway with another room that has light behind it. As he walked through he started seeing different spice jars and lotions in the bookcases. A few books here and there but still wasn’t like he expected.He went to the room and sees an old lady humming a song. Even though she had long gray hair, she had curves. Thick curves…“Wow… how old is this lady… ” he thought.“I am 90 years old young man.” She said aloud.“H-how did you know I was...”“Thinking? Well I am psychic…” She interrupted.“Oh… Right… Of Course…” He said.“Well is there something you need?” She asked.“Well, yes… you see I have a sexual problem…” He started to explain.“Oh well I have a few remedies and drinks for that my dear…” She said smiling.“No, not that kind of problem… I keep having visions of other people’s fantasies” he kept going.“Hmm… I think I might have to pull out the thick book…”. She had a curvy sexy body,that would make any man or woman stop in their tracks. There I was with my cock rock hard. Wishing that I was in that apartment getting ready to give her a good fucking. The more she danced around naked the harder my cock got and the faster I stroked. I blew my load in a matter of minutes and went off to bed.The next day I was doing laundry in the complex. I looked over to my right and there she was. The mystery chick with the gorgeous body. She had on the tightest pair of cutoff shorts and a bikini top on. Her DD's were oozing out of her top. My eyes were glued. She had her basket of clothes heading up to her apartment. I asked her if she needed any help and she said yes.Her name was Leslie she said. The whole time my ass was ready to rip her fucking clothes and eat her pussy right in the elevator. When we reached her apartment she invited me in. I looked around and she seemed to have a cool place. She told me her roommate was out for a bit and that she got.
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