I was even more astounded at the exquisite tastehe had. Evening gowns, dresses, skirts and tops; all from top designers.Haute Couture of the first magnitude! The finest lingerie I'd ever laideyes on! And cosmetics that would make Max Factor envious! It was sheerexhaustion that made me call a halt to the fashion show I was forcing himto put on."You can show me the rest tomorrow, Honey! I'm beat and it's three AM!Let me pick out a couple of nighties and let's go to bed. Besides, I'msooo horny!"I have to give credit where credit is due. Once I got him off the dime,he really got into it. He was so proud of his wardrobe! Everything wasthe latest and trendiest. He even told me with pride how he donated hiscast-offs to charity. Hell, I would have gladly worn any of his cast-offs!We climbed into bed wearing the prettiest chemises; him in red and me inblack! You could have knocked me over with a feather when he pulled aten-inch strap-on out of his nightstand! He looked at me sheepishly as. Doctor Willis said you’d feel tired for a few days, because you lost a lot of blood before he finally staunched the flow. He worked on you for over two hours and dug eight pellets out of you. The good news is that except for a couple of blood vessels, nothing major was injured, and you should recover fully in a week or so.”Man, all that was good news, I guess I was a lucky SOB. With my physical status verified, I had a few other questions.“Why did the Sheriff put me in here? Is there something else going on?”“Not really, some of your friends suggested that you might need protection until you were on your feet. He thought this was the easiest way to accomplish that, given how riled up your shooting has the dancers and working girls.” Belle giggled then and continued, “There was a stampede of women volunteering to be your nurses. Sheriff Faulkner will tell you all the rest when he gets here. You are probably not going to like what he has to say.”Belle was sure right about that, because.
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